Posted by pegasus on September 2, 2006, at 12:54:53
Yesterday, I don't know what got into me, but I emailed my ex T from three years ago, who moved away in the middle of my therapy, and asked for a phone session.
I'm seeing another T now, for a couple of years, and she's good I think. We've talked in therapy about how I want to talk to my ex-T, and are trying to work out what I need or miss that I think he can give me. The general tone has been that I should use this impulse to give me insight.
Well, after my session, I got fed up with trying to dissect and analyze it. It's messy and complicated, and probably not ever going to be clear or helpful to understand. I just want to talk to him, OK? I just want to hear his voice, and feel like I used to when I talked to him, because it was good. End of story.
So, I emailed him and asked if we could do a phone session sometime. No reply so far. Yikes, what if he doesn't write back? Why did I choose the Friday before labor day to ask? Oh, what was I thinking? Maybe his spam filter is elminating me. Should I email him again if he doesn't reply?
Sometimes I'm a mystery to myself.