Posted by LadyBug on August 25, 2006, at 13:50:48
I want to talk to my T so bad today. I saw her last night and we talked about my awful marriage. It stirred every emotion up for me and now I'm stuck to dealing with it alone and I'm overwhelmed with sadness, hurt, anxiety and depression. When I left her office, she said "See ya next Thursday." I've tried not to call her lately as I'm working on being less dependant on her. But today it's killing me. If I had the means I would move this weekend. I've had enough of my husband and I can't deal with his choices any longer. I can't stand to even be near him. We've been married for 22 years so this is a hard decision for me to make. My T told me that I just need to take a leap of faith and move out. I know it will be hard financially but I'm to the point that I'd rather live in the street! I know my T can't resuce me. Years ago I would have wished her too. But I need her support right now. I will not call her, I will write in my journal, e-mail my friends or whatever I can think of. I don't want to go to my family at this point. I don't even know why for sure. I'm just sick to my stomach. I will survive. I know my T might not even give me comfort. I don't know, I'm full of anxiety as this is a pretty untimely issue that has come up and I need to get out of my home as soon as I can. No abuse or danger, just had enough. Sorry for rambling!! I'm just trying not to bug my T right now.