Posted by muffled on November 2, 2005, at 20:54:36
I can feel it. Like pink floyd song "...and I feel one of my turns comming on. I feel cold as a rasorblade, tight as a tourniquet, dry as a funeral drum. Run to the bedroom in the suitcase on the left you'll find my favorite axe. Don't look so frightened, its just a passing phase, one of my bad days....." 'cept its not a favorite axe, its a favoite something else. At least I don't hurt nobody but myself. Least I don't die. I don't know whether there's a cure for this crazyness?....anyhow, I'll end up posting something stupid and then get blocked for two weeks and then you won't have to have me around. I think I'm too wacko anyway. Crazy wacko better than internal pain. Outside pain is better than inside pain. F*ck, F*ck, F*ck. Block me baby. Ha.
Wacko Muffled the idiot one. 2crazy4u. I wish it would go away. Don't see T. till next Thurs. Shiiiiiiiiiii*