Posted by Pandabear on May 30, 2004, at 23:40:42
Just this past week, my mood went down drastically...I was feeling fine and then the next thing I knew..I was depressed and tired and had nothing but negative thoughts and I was making wrong decisions and it just wasnt a good week...(I am bipolar by the way) but, I wasnt able to go to therapy last week because she had to cancel due to something that came up and so I had to deal with everything by myself. My issue is that my family isnt seeing my struggles. Im not expressing anything to my parents because I dont want them to be concerned but in MY mind, I am hurting. If I could sit there and honestly tell my therapist what I am about to say parents wouldnt know what to do and they DONT REALIZE that i feel like i do....but here it is... At this point in my life, I feel like Im in my own world. Things arent going well at work, I feel like Im not in control of my mind anymore since I dont know when I will be happy or sad anymore due to my chemical imbalance, I just want to be left alone, I dont want to have to wake up in the morning and go to work and to deal with those that do not understand what im going through. My boss thinks that I make bigger deals out of things...she thinks that my bipolar disorder is a bunch of junk and that i dont have it. I agreed with her until I started realizing that I really did have it...I want to stay in bed and only surround myself with those that understand what im dealing with. I want to switch jobs and work in a therapist office..but I cannot due to financial situations...(so im stuck). When I feel so down like this..I want to be hospitalized so that I can be around people that understand me and that will help me rather than tell me im making a big deal out of nothing. I have never thought of killing myself, but, I have thought about what would happen if I took too much of my medicine. But my fear is stronger than my curiosity. I did think about making myself slip down the stairs so that I would hurt myself enough to were I didnt have to go to work..(how wrong is that)? My work is going through a lot of change right now and I dont deal well with change so its adding a lot of stress right now for me.
What I want to know is has anyone had thoughts or things that they are dealing with personaly that no one knows about that they talk to their therapists about...and yet they go about around everyone else like nothing is wrong? I told my dad that my psychiatrist doesnt think im stable and he disagrees with her but I totally agree because she knows what thoughts are running through my dad doesnt and if he did...he would be so concerned...I feel like im keeping things from him and I am but its so hard because my family and I are extremely close and now, Im keeping things from him but oh well. I guess I just described many people who are in therapy..we all have things that only the therapist and patient know about but it just feels weird to me.
Just last week I went to the pet store and bought a parakeet..out of the blue...I came home and burst into tears because I didnt know why i bought him. I was frantically on the phone panicking and I finally asked my neighbor if she wanted him which she did..but she told me to keep him for a few days and see if i wanted him...which now, I do..BUT, my only reason for getting him was because i was wanting something to love and that would love me back..(yet he ended up biting me..) :) But anyway, i think its sick that Im so needy to love something. I have a dog that I love dearly and she loves me but it wasnt enough...I just really want to focus on myself and when im feeling this bad I just want the world to go away and let me just be...does that make any sense? BUT, i cannot get this satisfaction and it depresses me even more. Im afraid to totally let go with my therapist about this because she will see how unstable I am...I dont know how to act with all this...when I tell her the bad decisions that I made last week..she is going to be so so down these days it is crazy. keep me in your thoughts and prayers I feel so lost right now. Thanx.
Pandabear (sorry i really rambled in this one but i have a lot on my mind)