Posted by willey on February 22, 2010, at 20:10:55 [reposted on February 26, 2010, at 1:35:41 | original URL]
In reply to Redirect: Nutrition, posted by Dr. Bob on February 21, 2010, at 13:08:32
Link your are right on the money the whole thread.
RDA,recoemedned allowance of nutrients are low,and ur body will get them,unless you have a specific deficancy such as b12 found by your gp,many of the nutrients your mentioned are not needed if you instead have a blanced diet,fact is people even get the rda from eating crappy.
GLycine has both excitatory and inhibitory actions,so its not something a mere supplment is gonna help,if it were designated a to be a true asset,it would be made a drug,and attacthed to a carrier to perfrom at a specific site.
In fact dmg is di methy glycine,glycine attatched to di methly group,which then carres it into the brain,its very potent,fda took aim at it for a med,company stood up and pushed back,it is extremly useful in autism.
I have no idea why you wold not have a gp do these studies but rather a holistic i dont know what else follows,doc,person,dunno.I think many of us traveled the road of natural in our stuggle,i id,and my holistic doc cost me 300 bucks,and no insurance almost never covers them,why should they?
Since being a weight lifter,i study both the nutrients and drugs.
There are a few natural substances worth taking,picamilion is gaba attatched to nicacin to cross the brain,l theanine does not need to be in tea,bought alone as a serperate single amino is much more logical.
Having been deep as u can get into natural,knowing every amino,how they work,the precurors they are,etc,ive been through the many fads such as the absurd amount of inosotol 12 grams a day ocd,that cost me a few hundred,then well i got tryptophan,l theanine,b 12 shot,potent sublingual b complex,the famous fish oil era,i came out of it with depression ten fold worse,at 3 grand in the whole.
I swear if you look,there is a link of depression to almost every nutient,amino acid, that exsist,i promise.Its a matter of what u look for,they all appearently can be the cause,and usualy on the page of the product.
Good diet,good sleep,moderate to high cardio,and a gp testing of everything from even toxic metals in ur blood would be to me the better option.Your body is a machine,it gets the nutrients it needs,unless its a specifc defc,i hope u end up better then me.Going back to my maoi,the very day,i felt a thousand times better.