Posted by Thorp on May 17, 2005, at 0:19:41
In reply to Re: Anyone sea that infomercial for Sea Vegg?, posted by vitaqueen on May 16, 2005, at 10:42:03
The infomercial by Scott Kennedy is a powerful and much needed teaching on the airways of the spectacular nutritional value of seaweed. The Sea Vegg that Scott Kennedy promotes in the infomercial, however, as Scott Kennedy himself explains in the infomercial, is nothing more than an assortment of 12 different dried seaweeds in a capsule.
If one can buy fresh seaweed at a health food store such as Whole Foods, why would he want to waste his money on a tiny capsule of dried up seaweed known as Sea Vegg as recommended by Scott Kennedy in his infomercial. Nevertheless, even that small amount of seaweed still has some value as well as fresh seaweed but neither comes even close to the ultimate natural product, Original Limu ( Rita Elkins, a prolific author on natural health products, has written an excellent booklet, Limu Moui, that has sold well into the millions and is available in health food stores, where she recommends an extract (page 26) of the seaweed Limu Moui, which possesses (page 10) “one of the highest fucoidan contents when compared to other marine algae.” And, of course, the optimal non-chemical natural extract formulation is Original Limu.
Fucoidan is found only in sea-based plants. Besides all the other tremendous nutritious components in Limu Moui including vitamins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, anti-oxidants, glyconutrients, live enzymes, and particularly the whole spectrum of minerals and trace elements in colloidal form found in the sea which our blood emulates, and still others, the fucoidan in Limu Moui stands out as perhaps the greatest nutrient and immune booster ever discovered. The scientific and medical establishment is taking an ever greater interest as well as the studies on fucoidan have been growing exponentially since the mid-1970’s in the database of the National Library of Medicine at Anyone can go to this database and search the word fucoidan and turn up now over 600 studies and can narrow those studies to issues of interest simply by adding an additional word or more like cancer or tumor or tumors or carcinogen or carcinoma, immune, blood or platelets or leukocyte, inflammation or inflammatory, liver or hepatitis, lung or pulmonary, heart or cardiovascular, pancreatic or diabetes or insulin, virus or viral, bacteria or bacterial, wound or wounds, surgery, skin or dermatitis or dermal, etc.
So why is Original Limu ( the best source of this Limu Moui extract? It is for very good reason that Original Limu is called the one, the only, the original! It is the only proprietary non-chemical optimized extract on the market with proven value having over 15 years of research and development supporting it. It is also harvested from the pristine pure waters of the Tongan Islands of the South Pacific where there are no pollutants or heavy metals contaminating the water due to industry or large-scale agriculture. On the contrary, Scott Kennedy explained that the Sea Vegg was harvested in the North Atlantic as I remember.
All the other seaweed products, like Sea Vegg, that seem to be multiplying monthly, are just trying to jockey for position for attracting the uninformed. And, what a shame that people will be side-tracked from what looks to be the greatest health discovery of our time, Original Limu. Our wretched Western diet polluted with preservatives and additives and sugar substitutes, etc. and our society’s one-dimensional focus on the economics of food distribution such as shelf life and premature harvesting almost totally eclipses any nutritional focus. Also, our Western culture almost single-mindedly focuses on medicine that almost exclusively treats only the symptom and not the basis or underlying cause of a disease. With this in mind, Original Limu is, in all reality, a Godsend for our nation and a world that we Westerners have infected with our poor nutritional and pill-pushing culture.
Our bodies were designed for a particular kind of care including good, wholesome and complete foods and such is available in spades through Original Limu. If we feed the body what it needs, it can regulate its chemical machinery and heals itself as it was designed to do as evidenced by cut on our finger healing itself or our overcoming a cold or flu with just rest and plenty of water. In fact, that is what medicine is suppose to be all about, helping the body heal itself! Hippocrates is the Father of Modern Day Medicine with all doctors having to take the Hippocratic oath. Hippocrates says “Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.” Our Western diet miserably misses the mark! And in spite of his cautioning, “Above all, do no harm,” we poison ourselves with the often-horrendous side effects of man-made medicines that are promoted shamelessly on the airways by the pharmaceutical companies hoping that they can make the advertising enticement so powerful that people will in essence self-prescribe by going doctor shopping until they get what was promoted to them over the airways.
Regarding comments about Dr. Strand and his recommendation of the USANA supplements, I respect him as a doctor for his nutritional perspective and I have personally tried USANA supplements and found them valuable but nothing like Original Limu. USANA supplements are a product of man and his science; Original Limu is a natural product from the Creator, who has the full picture of our needs and the exact amounts needed. I have also tried natural products like Barley Green or Barley Life also with some value but again nothing like Original Limu. I have shopped for organic foods but they are nothing next to Original Limu. I have heard of Noni and Mangosteen and green teas, etc. None of these are sea-based natural products and, thus, none of them have the whole spectrum of minerals and trace elements nor, most importantly, do they contain fucoidan and none of them hold a candle to Original Limu. Nothing in the health and wellness industry compares to Original Limu outside of good health practices like good nutrition, plenty of rest, plenty of exercise, plenty of pure water and fresh air drawn deeply into the lungs, sunshine, temperance and trust in God.
Now, I rarely take anything else but Original Limu and save a bundle of money and experience incredible, even miraculous health as in the case of the throbbing pain in my right arm disappearing where decompression with fusing surgery on my 3-5th cervical vertebrae was unsuccessful. My skin is vibrant and no longer a flaky mess. My sinuses and asthma are back under control. I sleep much better. I have more energy. Even my toe and finger nails are supple and healthy again. And, if ever I do come down with something by pushing myself too hard, the immune-boosting anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory functions of the fucoidan gets me over it in a day or two without my ever having to see a doctor or get an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic. The savings alone in doctor bills and supplement costs easily pays for my Original Limu. Anyway, I simply cannot live without Original Limu!
Email me at or call me at 979-297-1919 and I will tell you of more stories I know about first hand, even of those with whom I have shared first-hand myself as with my son with acne and ADD / ADHD, a friend with multiple sclerosis and also a hypothyroid condition, another friend with hepatitis C, another with high cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL/HLDL ratio, another with migraine headaches, another with sinus headaches, another with chronic fatigue, another with an open wound in his leg for over 20 years without healing, another with scar tissue from adolescent acne fading away in her mid forties, another person experiencing her tumors and cancer receding and disappearing, another being better able to cope with chemotherapy and radiation treatment, another coming back from short-term memory loss and dementia, another with disabilities from two car accidents involving drunk drivers and high blood pressure and high blood sugar, and the stories keep unfolding daily and I haven’t even mentioned the many stories of other people outside those with whom I have personally shared Original Limu. We now have a physician in our area who is directing his patients to Original Limu as he sees the hopelessness of the over-medication that Western medication has to offer as in the case of one medication being prescribed merely to mitigate the side effects of another medication!
I will conclude by making it clear that I am not a medical doctor. I only hold a Ph.D. degree in organic chemistry and have been in active personal study of the health and wellness industry since 1997 when I was getting sick more often and required an anti-inflammatory in order for prescribed antibiotics to work. Thus, I do not or will not prescribe, treat, diagnose in regards to any disease or condition. Original Limu is simply a natural and spectacularly nutritious food by which the body can perform optimally in healing itself. There is more I report in other postings in this thread you may wish to view under Thorp. There is also a helpful information line at 866-852-4832 where you can also place an order using the referral ID number 1388001. Be blessed!