Posted by alexandra_k on December 1, 2020, at 15:51:04
In reply to The US rips you off Alex, not New Zealand..., posted by ert on November 28, 2020, at 17:04:26
my worry about the US...
I need to start with a story.
There was a puppy and the puppy was mistreated and abused. Kicked and beaten and not fed and abandoned. They tried to drown it. Etc.
Then the puppy was taken in by people and kept with lots of other misused and abused and abandoned puppies.
Then, eventually, some people came and took the puppy and gave it some semblance of a normal life.
And that puppy was *so grateful*. That puppy was *most loyal puppy ever*.
Everybody knows that story -- right? About why to get a rescue animal. About how they make the most loyal and faithful and loving pets.
So then...
Wicked people start getting ideas. They start getting ideas about things they can do to enable or allow or even promote puppy abuse. So as to produce many loyal and faithful and loving puppies.
My worry is that:
ahahahahahahahahahahhahahhaa and what are you going to do about it?
My worry is that nothing is done about it because...
Well, because people get away with it. Of course.
People are getting away with it.
Because New Zealand is a land of tribal bullies and the only language they understand is the kid outside who beats up anybody who dares use his tunnel on their commute at night because it's his tunnel, you see.
People wouldn't believe all the injustices and things that have happened to me in this supposedly civilised and first world country of New Zealand.
I don't have faith in anything at all.
Our Universities... Populated by the IHC. I mean... Look at the research they are conducting. The ethical issues with it. The data handling. And so on...
What's going on?
Why does the developed world allow NZ to do these things?
I suppose our borders mostly have been locked down to international students, now. They have let in a few (who started already) so they can honor their contracts to them (hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahah) sort of by at least letting them submit theses and signing them off (hahahahhahahahhahahahhhahahahhahhahahah) but no new studnets so far as I can see...
They simply will not do any of the things they are supposed to do.
Millions of dollars and no work is done.
Nothing is processed.
Visas aren't processed properly.
Applications aren't processed properly.
Applications for housing...
CEnsus?None of it.