Posted by alexandra_k on November 29, 2020, at 14:02:56
In reply to Re: The US rips you off Alex, not New Zealand..., posted by alexandra_k on November 29, 2020, at 13:46:45
Nothing gets processed in NZ. People don't follow / can't follow process.
I don't really know what the problem is... How it goes...
When people apply for various things.
People apply for visas to come into New Zealand.
People apply to enrol in various Degrees.I don't know what goes on.
I suppose there are many many people who are employed to process. And I imagine that their job is unnecessarily confusing and convoluted.
The way it seems to be, these days, is that we have software that was supplied to us from overseas. We usually get the cheapest and least fit for purpose... I don't know what goes on / what goes wrong at this initial stage. But typically the software is not fit for purpose. That is to say that the field boxes won't take answers that people need to give. Or whatever. People are forced to say things that aren't true. Or people are required to mis-enter things or say things that aren't true when entering the data. I suppose the point of it is to null and void and render illegitimate ALL the applications. I think that is the idea.
Then you have an army of workers who are relatively low paid. And this army all attest to things being processed. And the processing being complicated. And so on.
And I suppose it is mostly all to conceal the fact that there are a few people (a few people) who basically 'yay' or 'nay' all the applications fairly independnetly of the forms.
Who are these people? I don't know. I don't know the magic words to find these people. I imagine you start making phone calls and spend days or weeks or months figuring out who you are required to sing homage praises to or who you are required to pay bribes to in order to get you thing processed.
A research Degree...
Start with the post-modernist essay generator. Then get it to your supervisor. Then you spend all your time walking about on campus...
I am tribal chiefton leader ho! I am tribal chiefton leader PhD student. I have the titles! HO! Oh mighty tribal chiefton leader me!
Then you get the work back and the supervisor has scribbed out the things they didn't like and written stuff on it.
So then you take the stuff they wrote and copy-paste that into the content.
Then you get it back to the supervisor so they write the next section. And you are back to 'networking' your tribal chiefton leader self around campus ho!
And in this way the employees of the Univeristy write the thesis for you... Eventually... It will be late. You will have to do lots of crying to them about how afraid yo uare that you will fail so they get into reassuring you mode. They will be like 'well no you have been working for 20 years on a 1 year degree and probably you might just scrape through probably you will'... So that they decide that it would actually be better for them if they signed you off already.
Actually it's more about you networking with other people to bully them into signing you off.
'Why haven't you signed her off, yet?'
Those conversations.
But don't forget the most important part... You spend you life 'networking' the biggest and feircest group of bullies you can.
Because the biggest tribe wins -- you see?
And in this manner we don't produce fit for purpose software. We don't produce vaccines. We don't develop curriculum....
Apparently someone is translating Dr Seuss into Maaori. I suppose becuase i said someplace that I learned to read with Dr Seuss and since I can read...
Except I cant' read -- right?
Except that we just SAY that alex is retarded while knowing full well that she isn't.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees translating will help.
Because Dr Seuss will still rhyme when it's in Maaori. They totally understood what I meant.
They did not undersetand.
There's no comprehension.
An electrition is not a builder.
Running a cord behind a heater means running a cord between the heater and the surface it is rear mounted on.There's no point talking with stupid.
But stupid has all the power.
All the power to sit about going 'what? what what? what what what what? meetings for meetings about meetings to have meetings for security guards to 'help' with the crimes that we like to have for our meetings of tribal bully chieftons all sittting about in our swampyl swamp swamp.With our hostages.
We lead the world with our Covid elimination strategy!
But good people cannot do business with us...
We are working from home and still...
Crying crying crying for hand-outs. Who will give us a vaccine?
Leading the world in crying for hand-outs.
Who will give us a vaccine?
Every nation in the world aspires to be like us.
Leading the way in crying for vaccine hand-outs.
Where are your tribal leader microbiologists? The scientists with the money and titles and power? HOw are their labs of slaves doing? Making you vaccines? How's that working?