Posted by linkadge on January 26, 2007, at 19:47:34 [reposted on January 27, 2007, at 0:52:33 | original URL]
In reply to WARNING! DOCTOR BOB REPORTS TO ISP!!!, posted by Jeroen on January 26, 2007, at 18:46:58
I understand. Dr. Bob had done the same to (for) me a few years back.
It can seem like it is an invasion of your privacy, but this is an internet site so any information you give is available to everybody.
In hindsight, Dr. Bob may be saving lives by letting somebody know if somebody is at risk to themselves or others.
I know it can seem harsh when you get contacted by people who are wondering if you are going to hurt yourself, but I'm sure the policy has saved lives so I am not angry.