Posted by Lou Pilder on October 21, 2006, at 10:53:56
Dr. Hsiung,
I am requesting that you close the faith board for the following;
A. Your policy that the deputies do not have to intervene has the potential,IMO, to allow posts that have the potential to arrouse antisemitic feelings to remain unsanctioned and have then the potential, IMO, to foster defamation toward Jews and me as a Jew on the forum.
B. Your policy here prevents me from using the {report this post} feature here for posts that are authored by those that in the past that I have asked you about three of their posts, and you have said that in your thinking that they are acceptable.
C. I have asked you to determine in advance if a link that I would like to post as a response from the Jewish perspective from the Anti-Defamation league to posts that IMO have the potential to arrouse antisemitic feelings that have not been sanctioned, as per other posts that could lead others to feel accused or put down, is acceptable or not. In our dialog about that, I feel uncertian as to if your reply to me is saying that I am to ask another first as an additional condition to me, than to others, as per your FAQ policy, for you to make a determination for acceptablity or not and then send it to you, or if I do not have to do that first before I send it to you.
D. I have asked you to write your rational for writing that your policy is reasonable that says that the deputies do not have to intervene.
Your reply to me was that {...the question for me hasn't been whether they're discriminatory, but whether it's more helpful to focus on the past or the present...]
My reply to that was,[...if so, why could you not {focus on the present} if the deputies did sanction them since posts that accuse or put down others are sanctioned?..] Your reply was {..I don't think I have anything else to add...]
Yet today, posts that IMO have the potential to defame Jews are left to stand, over and over, and I think that those posts are uncivil and not supportive in a mental health community to be to let stand . If you closed the faith forum, those posts that have IMO the potential to foster defamation toward Jews and others that do not accept the claimes of Christiandom, that are not sanctioned in the same manner as I would be sanctioned if I was to post that My God has revealed Himself to me and has given me a commandment, could not seen anymore and in my thinking could be good for the community as a whole.
Lou Pilder
If anyone would like to see the post in question, you could email me if you like.
poster:Lou Pilder