Posted by gardenergirl on October 11, 2006, at 20:15:14
In reply to Lou's response to aspects of fayeroe's post, posted by Lou Pilder on October 11, 2006, at 19:34:25
I think that fire burns. I think that reasonable people might agree that fire burns. I think that lots of people could look at a third degree burn on a person emerging from a fire, heck probably even a second degree burn, and say, "Yep, that's a burn allright."
I think that reasonable people might disagree about what constitutes antisemitism, defamation, and/or racism. One might liken it to how easy it is to distinguish a first degree from a second degree, to a third degree burn. It's a continuum of interpretation. One's skin might feel hot, but that might be due to one's unique threshhold for heat sensitivity versus due to a burn as defined by clinical criteria. There might be multiple folks whose condition requires assessment for burns. Triage can be quite an effective and efficient use of resources. Those with unclear or otherwise questionable conditions rightly ought to be directed straight away to those with the knowledge, skills, and authority to diagnose and treat burns.
Finally, I think it might be preferable if any volunteer firefighter who knows he or she is not competent in fighting a particular kind of fire or diagnosing and treating burns defer fighting said fire or assessing said burns to those who are better trained. Otherwise, the fire might get out of control or spread unnecessarily, or a inappropriate and/or potentially damaging actions might be taken when dealing with those with perceived burns.
In other words, I agree with fayeroe.