Posted by Nickengland on July 17, 2005, at 19:04:13
In reply to Re: I feel put down--And, posted by so on July 17, 2005, at 16:36:39
Hello again So
>When and where have I declared an opposition to psychiatry or psychiatric drugs? Having doubts about efficacy does not imply wholesale opposition. Or does participation in a community interested in mental health --- which is what this site is ostensibly about --- require that one have *faith* in the efficacy of the current pharmacopea of psychiatric drugs?
You havent declared an "opposition" to psychiatry or psychiatric drugs in that post..the exact word you used was a "reluctance" So, are you "for" any psychiatric drugs or psychiatry for the treatment of mental illness?
Let me get this right, you're a Scientologist and because of this you are deeply offended because as you stated, "dont call me creepy" because you're a Scientologist - Thats perfectly understandable within the civility rules here.
Its my understanding (and please correct me if i'm wrong) do people who practice Scientology as a faith - does that faith support the use of psychiatric drugs?...or conversely, does it oppose them and psychiatry? I was under the impression that Scientology did not recommend the use of psychiatric drugs or psychiatry in the practice of its religion. Does Dianetics support psychiatric drugs or psychiatry?
When did you declare your opposistion to psychiatry/drugs? - When you declared that you felt put down because of feeling "creepy", you declared you was a Scientologist. When you declared you was a Scientologist, I then thought you must be lets say, not exactly "pro psychiatry" as your faith (which I take it must mean alot to you) holds the "believes" which are not for psychiatry in general, with regards to mental health - Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. (taken from the church of scientology website)
Which treatment programme do you follow?..The mental health treatment of your relgion or that of psychiatry? Do you possibly use a combination of both?
You see something so controversial as psychiatry and something possibly considered equally controversial as Scientology in similar respects with regards to mental health..Hmmm Muslims and Alcohol, they just dont in Muslims who follow their faith are not supposed to drink Alcohol. The same way I would have thought, a scientologist was not supposed to touch Psychiatry - Tom Cruise certainly isnt a fan, are you?
However though, the actual question with which you responded to the above do you gain education and support from this forum?
>Why would a person who does not espouse Scientology ask to be greeted with the same cordiality afforded among adherents in a group of adherents? Maybe because they want to create a reasonable environment where ideas can be explored. Besides, poeple are not always reasonable, which is to say, people don't always have a rational interest in things. Our minds are reactive as were the minds of our ancestors. Our capacity to reason is a recent addition, and reason buffers our reactions, but we are still motivated by unexplained interests. One of those interests, as Maslow posited, is the need for respect among peers. Being called "creepy" can tend to make one feel peers are not ready to recognize that interest.
I can completely understand what you say there, thats a fair comment. Do you feel that it was yourself being called directly, "creepy"? Either way though I guess if it was any other religion a PBC would have been issued. It would be good if you would perhaps post in faith about Scientology..that way maybe people would not think it was "creepy" as you could explain how it isnt. Or offer some kind of education to people, so that they wouldn't perhaps jump to the same conclusion which brought them to use the word "creepy" in the first place.
>If you review this board, you will see that my posts have never before dealt with defending Scientologists against things that are not tolerated in reference to other religions. My posts on this board have generally addressed administration of a site which I read but at which I find little other reason to engage in dialogue.
I have read most, if not all your posts. (and with great interest) I realise you didn't want to answer about your posting name "so" I wonder though, you said you have been lurking, but never mentioned for how long? I also wondered if you have ever posted before under a different name? - I would be interested to read the archives if you do have more posts under previous name(s) ?
>Do you recognize that editors specialize -- some edit content, some edit for slant, some edit design, others simply proof-read. My interest in reading a periodical doesn't mean that I am going to get heavily involved in editing content, though I might get involved in review of how content is selected. I might not care what a periodical writes about, but I might write to the editor about how a particular subject is treated, whether I agree with the slant or not. The reason I do not engage in other dialogue at this site is because any questions I would ask or responses I might post are generally posted by others.
I recognise what you say there and understand why you do not sometimes engage in other posts and subjects.
>I reply because answering questions directed to a person is "civil", though a civil person could as well ignore questions from those not dependant on the person for a response.
Are you suggesting that I should be grateful that you are replying to me in someway? Are you suggesting you could quite easily ignore me - just because that is "civil"
I understand the concept of reading and replying to a message, I think I did at a very early age.
>Are you asking why I reply to your interest?
I wasn't asking this, however you replied to your own question "that easy" I think you find the playful use of words very easy indeed, again especially with that sentance....
"I reply because answering questions directed to a person is "civil", though a civil person could as well ignore questions from those not dependant on the person for a response.
Why would you feel the need to remind me of that at the final part of your message? What was your motive with that?
I like to end the message with "kind regards"
Kind regards