Posted by kid_A on May 23, 2002, at 12:58:13
In reply to Separate but equal? » Ron Hill, posted by Lou Pilder on May 23, 2002, at 12:20:03
There is a MED board to discuss medication, this usually consists of "what is med X like", or "should I try med X or med Y", or "does anyone feel like this when they take med X"... sometimes you get scare posts where people who've had a bad experience on a med try to warn others to stay away from it at all costs, but such is life...There is a social board whose concepts are loose, but at the same time involve mutual support for people who are feeling depressed and may seek input from others to help them get through their problems... In the majority of cases I dont think telling people that "God" is the answer is helpfull to their situation, as we all have different opinions on what "God" is, etc etc... It's not unlike telling people that they probably wouldn't be so depressed had they voted Republican...
Now, we also have the book club board, where people can discuss particular books that they are reading. I am supossing that this board was set up seperately so that the Social board did not become clogged up with these book posts...
And then of course there are all the other boards...
Religion is a very special and personal subject whose idealogy might not appeal to everyone, and who's presence may not make everyone feel comfortable...
I don't think that setting up a board to discuss religion is a bad idea, nor do I think that it is comes equivical to something like racial segregation.