Posted by fachad on April 2, 2002, at 11:27:46
Dr. Bob,
Would it be feasible for your site to have "profiles" that people could set up and edit as necessary, something like places like "Yahoo" have?
There could be the basic fields that you use in the registration process, but I think it would really be helpful to have info on current diagnosis, current medications and dosages, years of treatment, med history, etc. Maybe even a text field for whatever a person wanted to put in their profile.
It would be nice to see a post from someone, then to be able to go check their profile, and see what their DX is, what meds they are on, how long they’ve been at this and so on. I don't think it would really violate privacy because people currently post that same info - it's just not centralized and easy to look up, and it's not standardized.
From you research standpoint, you could generate all kinds of stats; percent on PSBers on SSRIs, percent of those on SSRIs on each individual med, most common problems with meds, how often people change regimens, dose increases, typical doses with high and low extremes, number of meds in polypharmacy regimens, common polypharmacy combos etc.
It just seems like it would be something everyone would enjoy and benefit from.