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Would any Psycho-Babble members care to comment?

Posted by SLS on December 19, 2022, at 13:34:26

This website belongs to only one person, and it is neither me nor you.

If your anger and embarrassment impel you to continue to boycott Psycho-Babble, then go in illness, but go in peace.

Perhaps attrition en masse will have its advantages to this website - when the juvenile armchair pseudo-neuroscientists are replaced by adults looking for ways to help themselves and others to free themselves from the darkness of their prisons. Studying and talking about neuroscience while living in a state of depression can be fun and rewarding. However, it can become very addictive because there is no reward to replace it. The result is a tunnel-vision that obscures the goal. They forgot to keep thier eyes on the prize - remission.

By the way, studying and talking about neuroscience in the absence of depression is orgasmic. I like my orgasms.

I plan to correspond with the owner of this website. I think you should, too.

- Scott

Some see things as they are and ask why.
I dream of things that never were and ask why not.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.




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