Posted by PCB on June 8, 2020, at 19:03:01
In reply to Any solutions for Nardil weight gain?, posted by SLS on June 8, 2020, at 8:52:05
Ive been on Nardil for 24 years and only found a few things limit the weight gain from Nardil. I have gained about 50 lbs but am 62. If I stop these things, Nardil slowly continues to cause me to gain weight indefinitely.
1. 30 minute of light weight lifting and 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week
2. Eating small meals every 4 hours, including at night. I will typical wake up every 4 hours and have bread with olive oil. Meals should be 350 calories for me.
3. Eating at the same time every day
4. I eat 3 mandarins in the morning, salmon or sardines tomato and kale for lunch and dinner and bazzini raisin and peanut mix for 3:00 PM snack.
5. So I eat at 7AM, 11:30, 3:30 and 6 PM. I have bread at 10 PM, 1:00 AM and 4:00 AM. If I get hungry in between those times, I try to go for a walk outside to divert my appetite.
6. No processed food or candy or sweets ever for me. Guaranteed to put on 1 lbs for every box of cookies I eat and makes it hard to find healthy food tasty.I just started TMS with hopes to lower my Nardil dose. But I am so treatment resistant, I doubt it will work.
Best for luck SLS