Posted by J Kelly on September 21, 2016, at 22:52:27
In reply to Is this Stim tolerance or maybe cycling?, posted by porkpiehat on September 20, 2016, at 15:47:53
> Effexor trial was making me feel a little too detached and unmotivated but keeping me out of rock bottom. I didn't want to go up to 75 and feel worse but I didn't want to ruin a weeks' vacation with friends and stay locked in a room.
> For two weeks, 10mgs (half a capusle) of vyvanse paired really well with the effexor. I didn't feel super wired or sketchy or nervous like I would normally on vyvanse; I was re-interested in my friends and my hobbies and studies; I could concentrate at home and work.
> Didn't sleep so well. Now I feel like I'm asleep on my feet all day and then not tired at night. The lift is gone and I'm exhausted.
> Before the lift went, this weekend, I got super drinky and smokey (cigs), did an awful lot of stuff, masturbated 7 times in six hours.
> Monday I was kind of a shell. Today a shell but barely able to stand. I took a little more Vyvanse in the afternoon and I feel more OK. Don't want to chase this dragon but there's such a thing as an effective dose, right?I've had a similar response to Ritalin. At first I feel great, motivated with lots of energy. But I find that I always need ever increasing doses to keep the same effect. Chasing the dragon as you say. Great for a two week vacation, not so great for long term use in my experience.
poster:J Kelly