Posted by rjlockhart37 on September 9, 2014, at 22:25:16
In reply to ps...why is this topic important on this forum?, posted by Phil on September 9, 2014, at 20:58:55
yea.....if the DEA or FDA reads these posts, just gotta be honest, nicotine has been around who knows long time, it will provide a short relief from anxiety, or give a small nicotine stimultion, it's nothing like caffeine, it just slightly stimulates dopamine but indirectly, unlike amphetamine.....thats why you don't feel that "reward like" but it does work on the reward center somewhat, that's why when someone is stressed out, one time i was in bumper bumper wreck the lady got out asked for a cig, her frount part got smashed yes, people smoke nicotine for the nerves, or feeling not pleasant, mainly either from stress or feeling bored... just not strongly, yet the US has alot of people smoking, i think it should stay that way, or maybe move into the direction of ciggerettes instead the anaolog psychical cigarettes....still i have to say i enjoy smoking marbloro's i have no idea why instead of wanting to smoke the vape, i smoke ciggs
there here and do think they should be still on the market, but maybe somehow stop selling them in large amounts, if someone wants to truely smoke, go to smoke shops, or tabacco vendors, everywhere in gas stations there cigg's....
personally i don't want it to go off the market because i still smoke once and while LOL funny....
there's way's nicotine can be consumed without using large doses to satifly, and plus like i said too much nicotine causes agitation and irrtibility, i've tried it, it's not pleasant, but first:
1)traditional way it's been for 100-50 years is in cigg form, go outside, or smoke it simply, with the figers holding it and puff it, fast or slow.....usally puffing slow is relaxing and sucking it down fast is ment for stimulation....
2)reduce the cigg scheduel to smoking all the time, chain smoking i realize actually decreases the pleasure of smoking, because your constantly doing it.....and plus nicotine is part of the body's chemisty at that point....
3)have few ciggs a day and slowly transfer to vape, adjusting the nicotine dosing, because like i said too much nicotine makes you feel irrtible and agitated......
4)keep a vape in pocket or purse, and wiff some of it down if you at work....if nicotine concentration is needed.....
5)make a plan to finally quit, but still nicotine does have it's postive factors, mood lift, slighlt stimulation, yet chain smoking is not so flattering, it reduces the pleasure of smoking and is VARY hard to quit if someone chain you smell like santa clause out of the just going on and on, yea vape is the best....ciggies wiggies need to take a hike somewhere else.....
not a scholar but understand distress.....
"unheard pain, is the told through good company"