Posted by ihatedrugs on February 27, 2013, at 22:50:09
I'm sick and tired of this merry go round. I went to a new psych to figure out if there are other options to treat my depression. This guy is the Co/chair of the Psychiatric Dept at a major university. His brilliant response was that I am being over medicated. Are you f^&k%ng kidding me? And then he has the audacity to say that my doctor is an excellent psychiatrist.
I'm going to take my chances. Before meds, I was a beautiful slim, gregarious, woman a mother of 2 amazing girls and great husband and amazing friends and family, who suffered from episodes of unipolar depression lasting several months but lifting on their own. They became more severe so I went to the so called experts. Five months after meds, I became so ill from all the side effects I ended up hospitalized which destroyed my self reliant attitude, 40lbs overweight, and still depressed despite 20 years of countless meds, combinations of meds, supplements...Why should I continue taking this poison when it's not making me feel any better. It's literally eating away my essence and spirit. I have been in denial for so long by defending these poisons Big Pharma pushers and their puppet psychiatrists keep on giving me. I'm done. It's just crazy how I've kept on drinking the Kool aid for so long. I'm just so tired of struggling and looking for help. I don't want to do it anymore. The madness is in the treatment, not the disease.