Posted by Lou Pilder on December 23, 2012, at 12:58:28
In reply to Lou's response-pstpdaheyt, posted by Lou Pilder on December 23, 2012, at 11:46:22
> > > > > > > > Hello, Its been a few years since posting here.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > During the past 12 or so years, I've been diagnosed with Depression, add (inattentive type) and social anxiety. Im currently on generic effexor xr 150, generic klonopin 1mg up to twice per day and adderral 15mg up to twice a day. I've been on this cocktail for about 7 years with very few changes. I went up on the effexor in the past but always went back down to 150mg because of jittery feelings on higher doses. I visited my primary doc today and explained that I have little emotion anymore. I look forward to nothing and get little enjoyment out of life and have been feeling very depressed lately. He asked if i was suicidal. I said no but i constantly feel like a robot and that my life is pointless.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > I asked about increasing Effexor dose or possibly supplementing something else in the mix. He was ready to kick up Effexor to 300mg then asked if I've heard about Pristiq. I did not. He said he had a lot of patients that pooped out on Effexor, successfully transfer with little or no side effect (compared to Effexor). He said he would prescribe Prestiq 100mg for a month to see how I respond. He said its like 300mg of Effexor. I told him I got nasty withdrawals when running out or trying to stop Effexor in the past (brain zaps, feelings of going insane, sweating, etc.). He said not to worry, because they are in the same family and I should not experience any of this.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > When I got home, I researched immediately. First, I see most people would go from 150 mg Effexor to 50mg Pristiq to start. I already purchased the 100mg Pristiq pills. Since they are tabs, I thought I could just split the pills (if 100mg is too much too fast). Several posts on other websites explicitly warn against splitting these tabs because of their slow release properties. Most of the posts on this website concerning Effexor to Pristiq appear to be several years old, so I was hoping to get some up-to-date info. Please forgive me if there are current discussions with same exact info (I tried to find them). Thank you!
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > P.S. for what it's worth, I credit Effexor, in part, to saving my career and family. As bad as i feel at times, I don't think I could have coped without it. Same with the Klonopin (although I usually only take one pill at night)
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > in_denial,
> > > > > > > You wrote,[...Effexor...Pristiq...hoping to get].
> > > > > > > The info that I could give you could save your life, prevent life-ruining conditions/addiction and prevent you from being induced into a mind-altered state to compel you to kill yourself and/or others, even commit mass-murder.
> > > > > > > But I am prevented here by the prohibitions posted to me here by Mr Hsiung to post this educational material, even though the forum is for support and education. This repression of my speech here could lead to the deaths of innocent people and lead to a lifetime of suffereing and misery from mind-altering chemicals that are promoted by mass media even though the evidence mounts against these drugs on a daily basis to show that they can cause people to kill innocent people and addict the taker of the drugs in a manner that would be criminal if one took cocaine or other illegal drugs. Yet today, your psychiatris/doctor can leagally give you an addictive drug that could kill you and cause you to kill others.
> > > > > > > Here are some links to some threads with what I was trying to tell people here before the prohibition to me from Mr Hsiung was posted.
> > > > > > > Do you think that Effexor/Pristiq are new drugs or are they just knock-offs of old drugs?
> > > > > > > If you could go through the threads here and post in those threads, then I could offer you more info that IMHHHHO could lead you out of the darkness of depression/addiction and into a marvelous light.
> > > > > > > You could see that Mr Hsiung is allowing defamation toward me here to be posted including scapegaoting, antisemitic statements are allowed to stand, and you could find other prohibitions posted to me and that a NY Times writer writes that Mr Hsiung is a mastermind here, but it does not take a mastermind to allow antisemitism to be posted here, only that good members do nothing. If you read what I am posting there could be a new life for you, a new life free from the ravages of mind-altering chemicals that come from nerve-agents before 1933 that are used to kill, and you could be led to your death from the drugs. Others could tell you to take more drugs here. If that is what you want, then reject this opportunity to learn from me.
> > > > > > > Lou
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > These have prohibitions from Mr Hsiung to me to post here by the link. You can see them by going to the bottom of this page and type in the search box;
> > > > > > > [babble,1009893]
> > > > > > > [babble,1009623]
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Friends,
> > > > > > If you are a parent of loved one visiting this site in order to make more-informed decision as to drug your child in collaboration with a psychiatrist/doctor, there is a unfolding body of facts, facts that could mark the difference between your child being alive or dead or kill innocent people, that many prohibitions from Mr Hsiung to me here prevent me from helping you to make that decision even though your child could die from these drugs promoted here or kill others.
> > > > > > Here is a video that I think could offer you facts to help you decide if you want to drug your child which could be for life, a life that could include addiction, depression, heart attack,diabetes,liver failure, blood disease, tardive dyskinesia which could be a life-long condition of misery and other life-runining conditions and death.
> > > > > > Lou
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Friends, There is another prohibition to me here from Mr Hsiung concerning posting of links to educational material that could have a prohibited word in a discussion. This is why I do not post links here, even to posts that are from here, for they could contain the prohibition.
> > > > > Here is a way to see a video that I use here so that a link is not posted.
> > > > > Lou
> > > > > To see this video:
> > > > > A. Bring up Google
> > > > > B. Type in:
> > > > > [youtube, can antidepressants cause violence]
> > > > > This is by Dr Moira Dolan MD. You will see her picture. Be advised that some people here that promote mind-altering chemicals could disagree with Dr Dolan. But are they just ignoring the facts?
> > > >
> > > > Friends,
> > > > If you are interested in this discussion, I am requesting that you view the following video.
> > > > This video could save your life and cause you to seek a new life, free from psychiatric drugs. And I am here to save lives, to lead peope out of the darkness of depression and addiction and to prevent people from getting a life-ruinig condition or be induced by th drug to kill themselves or other innocent people.
> > > > You could follow Scott and Phillipa who could be disagreeing with facts, you could follow Mr Hsiung that allows Jews here to be attacked. But don't forget whose grave you could cause others to see, so members, save the last post for me.
> > > > Lou
> > > >
> > >
> > > correction;
> > > to see this video;
> > > Lou
> > > A. Pull up Google
> > > B. Type in:
> > > [youtube, Dr Peter Breggin, medication spellbinding]
> >
> > friends,
> > A better search...
> > A. Go to Google
> > B. Type in:
> > [youtube, DR Peter Breggin, Simple truths about psychiatry, What is medication spellbinding, #3]
> Friends,
> You may be trying to make a decision from reading here as to drug your child in collaboration with a psychiatrist/doctor or to consider that your life is ruined from psychotropic drugs and want a way out.
> And what you could see here is an ongoing attack against me and to Judaism. This attack is encouraged by Mr Hsiung that uses the epithet against me {The Prince of Death}, which is a title for Satan, and his deputy (s) by the nature that they are allowing antisemitic statements to stand which could induce an indoctrination by them controlling the content and declaring to the members what is supportive and civil by allowing or not allowing what they want to be posted here. There is nothing new about this tactic, for it is thousands of years old. But to be carried out here could cause the deaths of children and others and cause the flame of hatred toward the Jews to spread throughout the world. This is accomplished by allowing statements that accuse Jews of the crime of deicide and prohibiting me from posting the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me. Here in the following post it is considered supportive and civil to write,[...made to suffer a horrible death by {them}...], which in context is the Jews. This brings up that people on psychiatric drugs could be induced to kill a Jew or defame them, or discriminate against them or to post as in here posts of hatred toward me, a Jew, including scapegoating and statements that they leave here because of what I post. After all, the statements allowed to stand could be thought to be the party-line here and supportive and civil since they are not sanctioned as I would be if I posted the foundation of Judaism here. But I am posting facts, facts that could mark the difference between you or your child being a live person or corpse, facts that could allow children to live, facts that could prevent innocent children from being murdered by those on a drug-induced rampage of death.
> What would it take for members here to post in the threads on the administrative board that have statements being allowed to stand that attack the Jews? And what do any of you gain by promoting mind-altering drugs that could cause life-ruining conditions and death and the deaths of innocent people? There were 42,000 people that died from these drugs just last year alone. How many more deaths are going to be allowed from these drugs before people stop pretending that they just don't see? How long will the flame of hatred toward the Jews be allowed to stand here before members post in those threads that it is wrong for the statements to be allowed to stand by Mr Hsiung and his deputy? Do you not undrstand that hate and murder go together like a horse and carriage?
> Here is the post. In the last paragraph by the poster, it is written,[...made to suffer a horrible death by {them}...].
> This is only one post that attacks the Jews here that is allowed to stand. Supportive? Supportive of what.
> This allowing of antisemitic statements to stand could cause some to discredit what I write here to save lives. But I am trying to save lives, what are you trying to do?
As a Jew here, I am subject to the discrimination of being prohibited from posting the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me while the Christiandom members here can post that Jewish children that were murdered by Jew-haters can not have Eternal Life or forgiveness from God because they were Jews that reject the Christiandom claim that the poster says the bible says. (does it)?
Here is the statement that is allowed to stand that could be considered to be supportive and civil here by the nature that Mr Hsiung states that support takes precedence, and that is does not matter if one believes what they post.
Notice the attack against the Jews in this post is allowed to stand and that on the admin board my request to Mr Hsiung concerning this is outstanding, which allows the flame of hatred toward the Jews to burn that could start a forest fire, which Mr Hsiung says that he does not want so he acts without waiting. I am waiting. I am trying to stop the attack. But only you can prevenmt forest fires.
Here is the statement:
[...The ONLY reason given in God's word that has or ever will cause someone to miss out on God's forgiveness and Eternal Life is to reject the gift of His Son Jesus as Lord and Savior..].
This can mean that the 1 1/2 million Jewish children killed and their ashes were heaped and blown into the wind by the (redacted by respondent) will not have forgiveness or Eternal Life from God because they were Jews. I am here to speak for them that can not speak here as their ashes are blowing in the wind. The statement means that all the Islamic children killed do not have Eternal Life and forgiveness from God because they were Islamic. This means that all the athiests do not have Eteranl Life or forgivness from God, nor the Hindus or the native Americans or any others than those in the statement. And it also means that the murderers of the Jewish children could put a gun to their head and before they commit suicide they say "I accept Jesus as Lord and Savior", and they have forgivness and Eternal Life from God, even the ones that were murderes of the Jewish children in that they were taught by their leader that by doing so that they would be doing what would be good for their country as a whole.
This defamation posted here toward the Jews and me as aJew is not done by masterminding. It is done because all that is needed for it to stand is for good members to do nothing.
poster:Lou Pilder