Posted by bleauberry on February 19, 2012, at 8:58:09
In reply to Desperate, posted by Solstice on February 18, 2012, at 21:08:07
This is certainly a heartbreaking story and all of us have experienced, or do experience, to a minor moderate or severe degree. Your comment "worn to a frazzle" only begins to describe the devastation. So sorry!
Like others have said, Vynase I think is suspect. It doesn't matter that it used to be fine, because of these reasons....
Our bodies, brains, and diseases are always in motion...not static...and things change/morph with time. While we view meds such as Vynase as therapeutic, keep in mind that when used illegally the end result is almost always bad....any of the amphetamines lead to an eventual downfall...just because it has an authorized prescription attached to it does not change that. That said, Vynase may not be a problem at all, but to me is at least suspect.Not sure why Zyprexa was not considered, but I would personally put more hope and trust in that one than any of its peers.
I think other things need to be looked at. I'm trying to think, what are some of the issues that struggling mothers find in their troubled kids? You know, the guerrilla medicine stuff that patients are forced in to when doctors alone fall short? Well, probably the most common issue is toxicity...usually lead and/or mercury. Might want to study up on DMSA and chelation, if for no other reason to know that the whole issue actually exists and is behind bizarre symptoms of many kids. It is a gray area, and some medical elites will poo-poo the whole thing, and of course their patients are the ones probably staying sick. Mothers know what works. Chelation is one of their more successful tools. Where did the toxins come from at such a young age? Maybe passed on from the mother? Something unknown in the living environment? How about immunization shots, many of which have mercury as a preservative? If a person is defective in certain genes, they will tend to accumulate and store toxins rather than normally excrete them. Thus easy toxicity from even miniscule exposure. And the obvious brain bizarreness that would follow.
Has she tried a gluten free diet? How about dairy free? Many of the gray area pros and mothers find dairy to be a factor in the bizarre psychiatric symptoms of kids. Study up on gluten, how it destroys the cilia lining in the intestines, and how that wreaks havoc on the nervous system by allowing large undigested molecules to enter straight into the bloodstream and of course obvious impact on the workings in the brain.
Lots of people with lyme disease or similar occult hidden infections display bizarre patterns and histories very much like what you have seen. People freak out because they think that I think everyone has lyme disease, because I mention this all the time, but the true scenario is that if the profile fits it has to be considered and not thrown out in haste. The profile fits. A two week blind trial of an antibiotic such as Doxycycline would provide most of the clues to make a fairly solid clinical diagnosis one way or the other, rule it in or rule it out. It has to be ruled out before tossing the idea away. Only a trial can provide the "pattern" response to know.
In terms of meds, wow, that is a tough one. I mentioned zyprexa already. I'm also thinking that in some situations such as this one, the patient may actually do better on a combo of antidepressants and benzos, avoiding the mood stabilizers. Those who operate in a black-and-white world of bipolar versus unipolar would disagree, claiming antidepressants are trouble and mood stabilizers are mandatory. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Can't make a blanket treatment based on a word such as bipolar or whatever....we have to try stuff to see what helps or what hurts, and sometimes the things we find helpful we can't explain why.
The whole thing is too gray to approach with a cookie cutter protocol (as in stimulant for ADHD and mood stabilizer for bipolar) just aint that straight forward.
Reduction of stored toxins, reduction of toxin exposure, careful choices of foods and experiments finding which aggravate, which help, and which are neutral. Most likely troubles from gluten and dairy. Self test for hidden infections.
I know you need ideas right now that will help fast. I don't know what that would be, except maybe zyprexa. But since she is so young, there is a real long battle ahead....and that's why I am stressing....screaming from the hilltops gain firm command of the issues I've mentioned here. Because those are the very issues other mothers in your shoes are finding helpful. The meds by themselves are rarely the answer. We get lucky sometimes, as you already experienced, and that can land us in a false sense of security that we can get lucky like that again and again. I wish. Just don't see that happen hardly ever.
Battle evil with all you've got and every weapon you can get your hands on. Meds are only a part of that war. Next comment maybe could appear off topic, IMO directly on topic, Jesus wants to be involved in this war so if you haven't personally asked Him to join you, something to consider. He promised wisdom to any who would ask for it.
I like all the approaches mentioned here (wish they were my own ideas). What I like about them is they demonstrate true healing potential, risks are low, expense low, and suitable for a lifetime.