Posted by B2chica on January 13, 2012, at 8:21:38
i am in a bad way.
dont know if chicken or egg but my sleep is bad. cant seem to get to sleep at nights.
my depression is terrible right now. yesterday at work i started crying a bit in the morning and by afternoon it was constant. i had to hid (luckily behind closed door). but it was hard.
i cant eat. hard sleeping.
called pdoc and suprisingly he called me back within an hour. He and i agree that this is partly hormonal as AF arrived two days ago. but wondering if my antibiotic was part of the issue? and also just some stressors in my life coming down the tube.
but i told him ihate taking sleep meds cuz i cant get up in the morning to sleep and quite frankly they hadnt been working.
yesterday i think i took a total of upwards around 2400mg of gabapentin to calm me down. didnt work then took my 4mg perphenazine at 8:00 along with another gaba and decided to take 2mg xanax.
i was soon done crying and out about 9:30. woke up about6:45 (have to leave at 7 to get to work at 7:30.
wasnt late suprisingly.
but i am still very "down" today.
i'm slow. dont care and just want to go curl up somewhere and stare at a wall.**************************
my point is my pdoc mentioned trying to work on my sleep but i dont want a med that makes it so i cant wake up in the morning. yzprexa does that, xanax normally does that.
is ther anything out there that you folks know of that can GET me to sleep i mean zonk me out, but is shorter acting?what about an AD to sort of aid with my other AD for the time being. as pdoc said, i cant go through this every month.
would nortriptiline (sp?) do that?
any suggestions would be greatly welcomed.pdoc was going to call office and try to get me in saturday.
thanks anyone