Posted by Lou Pilder on April 17, 2011, at 17:50:47
In reply to Lou's response-brahyndhamedge, posted by Lou Pilder on April 17, 2011, at 17:18:05
> Friends,
> If you are considering posting in this thread, I am requesting that you read the following article.
> Lou
> To see this article;
> A. Pull up Google
> B. Type in:
> [Psychotropic drugs, cause brain damage?]
> You will see the article titled,{Brain damage caused by neuroleptic psychotrpic drugs-MFI Portal}
Another aspect of this dicussion could be as to what a drug can cause the brain to do. In the following video, that is stated in relation to the drug in question. But does that mean for only that drug? Is there anything to prove that the brain does not do the same thing with other drugs?
To see this video,
A. Pull up Google
B. Type in;
[youtube, the world's most dangerous drug]
You will see two people and the video is produced by Natioanal Geographic
the time is 3 min posted on June 25, 2008
poster:Lou Pilder