Posted by linkadge on December 19, 2010, at 17:57:29
In reply to Hi, need some help and Residential Treatment sugge, posted by uncouth on December 19, 2010, at 14:48:24
>It caused some mixed hypomania, and exacerbated >other addictive tendencies, especially internet >addiction. It interfered with my sleep, but >still, it was more effective than virtually all >antidepressants I've tried at raising my mood, >and it did so immediately.
Have you ever tried lithium? Lithium has a stabilizing effect on the synthesis / excretion of PEA. Low PEA is thought to exist in bipolar depression (hence the immediate AD effect), yet high in mania. Perhaps you have more of a PEA instability then low PEA?
>I was on over 40 supplaments and meds 4 months >ago! And all of them had a specific "rationale" >based on my compulsive and obsessive research of >primary sources and academic journal articles >via
Yikes, I used to be a bit more compulsive with supplements, but right now its down to just omega 3 and sometimes 1-2 more. I assume you've tried a MAO-B inhibitor.
>Without the distraction of internet and thinking >about my depression issues in a state of fear or >feeling like I had to solve my own problems, I >was able to do deeper work in both groups and >individually and just spendin ga ton of time >talking about issues with the other patients.
Thats what I was getting to in the above thread. Getting to a place where one is *not* thinking about meds.
>I also was more creative in terms of ideas
>(business ideas mostly) than I had ever been in >my life. Played a ton of backgammon and even >learned how to play pickleball. I'm happy to >provide more details if you are interested if >you private message me. It cost an arm and a leg >though, I can't give details on this public >forum but suffice to say it wasn't some budget >facility.You must have some $! I've always contented that nothing beats having $ and being stable about it all. Although, I don't care about risk, period. I am quite happy with my ALLY 3.3% guarenteed interest rate. Set it, and forget it. My goal is to have just enough money that I can stop thinking about money.
>Oh, and I'm also trying baclofen which in the >past few years has shown incredible efficacy in >controlling alchol, stimulant, and other >addictions as It abolishes cravings >significantly.
What about some mediation. Meditation builds grey matter in the parietal lobes - the parts of the brain that have the capacity to feel pleasure with the "here and now".
>In treatment, I tried a bunch of different meds >and combinations, including 200mg of Rilutek for >4 weeks, which I think was actually moderately >effective and similar to Lamotrigine in it's >effects, but withou thte cognitive and memory >issues. I'd still be on it if it wasn't for the >incredibly expensiveness of the drug. ($1500 a >month at least for 200mg).
What about just letting go? You have more ability to control the activity in your brain (without medications) than you may believe. Desire breeds discontent. The more you want to control, the less happy you will be.
>The proliferation of research on glutamate >dysfunction as a major causitive factor (and >potential final common pathway for all sorts of >drugs) has caused increasd excitement into >tianeptine, as it's one of the few drugs that >works directly on both glutamate, stress >resilience, neurogenesis, and even cognition. >And with low side effects!>I'm also thinking about trying Oleptra, that new >extended release version of trazodone. My doctor >is quite enthused by it. I'll try it if the >wellbutrin doesn't work.
Do you hear yourself? You seem to still be deriving extreme pleasure just from the discussion of medications and their purported effects.
>Anyway, I know this was an incredibly long >email, but I haven't posted in ages and major >stuff has been happening.
How long are you able to sit (doing nothing) and feel content?