Posted by zatar on October 9, 2010, at 14:54:05
In reply to Zoloft too stimulating, Should I try Celexa?, posted by michelle41A on September 25, 2010, at 12:21:58
Personally, I can't tolerate SSRIs at any dose - Prozac, Celexa, Lexapro, Zoloft, plus anything that has an SSRI component to it - Effexor, Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, etc. Haven't tried Savella, but don't want to. Prozac was the worst since it has such a long half life that it took a month to get out of my system.
There are just some people who are SSRI intolerant, not to be confused with SSRI-resistant. To assume that depression or anxiety is garden variety in everyone and that they should respond to the same meds is just nonsense. If I hear one more time that I just need to try this SSRI, or increase the dose slowly, or give it more time, I will scream. I've done all those things over 10 years and it doesn't work.
I found Neurontin and Lyrica to have some anti-anxiety effect, but they poop out on me rather quickly and increasing the dose gives me spaciness and other side effects I can't live with.
Right now I just take Valium prn, when my anxiety gets bad or I have a panic attack. Klonopin worked at 2mg, too, but above that dose it was depressogenic. :-(
When anxiety acts up, scrupulously avoiding caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and getting enough sleep is a must for me. When things quiet down, I can misbehave a bit and it's OK. It's also interesting that when I take too much FolaPro(L-5-methyl tetrahydrofolate, the active form of folic acid because I'm 5-MTHF homozygous), it stimulates me too much. I try to limit it to no more than 400 mcg per day. And the taurate form of magnesium also stimulates me too much, while other forms of magnesium do not.
Genetic variation in receptors rather than drug metabolizing enzymes seem to be involved. Remeron (mirtazpine)can be tried for SSRI intolerance because it doesn't affect the HTR2A 102 T/C genotype.
> Hello!!
> I was on prozac for my anxiety last year and it was way too stimulating.. Pdoc put me on Klonopin (.50 1x/day) and Zoloft (12.5mg to start) which I started taking Sept 4th. The Klonopin is great for the anxiety! I feel "normal" without being a zombie. I am concerned about the long term use of Klonopin as an anti anxiety med though :(
> Unfortunately, when I take my Zoloft, I get a panic attack about 30min later. My hot flashes have returned as well ( I had hot flashes, heart palpations and missed periods on Prozac) I think that the Zoloft is too stimulating for me :(
> I know that Zoloft works on dopamine as well and that may be what is causing the anxiety. I also was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure ( I am 41)
> My question is, does Celexa work only on Seretonin? Would Celexa be a better choice for anxiety?
> I am wondering if the zoloft is interfering with my hormones. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
> I am going to a Reproductive Endocronologist on Oct 6th so hopefully I will get more info then :)
> Thanks!
> Michelle