Posted by Lou Pilder on May 12, 2010, at 11:59:00
In reply to Re: Lou's request-sgtfridehy, posted by chujoe on May 12, 2010, at 7:53:20
> Lou, your posts in this thread do not reply to the question I asked; rather, they make global claims about "pills" and "chemicals," which I consider to be pejorative terms in this context. Nor was this thread about giving drugs to children. Your post is inappropriate in this thread, particularly after you were told that I was not interested.
You wrote,[...I..not interested...].
I agree that there are a lot of posts that anyone here may not be interested in after they read them. But OTOH, there could be someone whose life could be saved by reading a post that someone else is not interested in after they read it. This is because we are different in respect to points of view and perspctives, concerning in this case, to determine if or if not to make the decision to take a drug based upon if or of not the benefits outweigh the risks.
Now for someone to make that decision, the more benefits and risks that are known, could give the person reading more infomation to make that decision.
But there is much more than that when it comes to life or death as a result of taking mind-altering chemicals, for that could be an unreversible decision. My point of view is that posting more facts could give a better understanding as to which decision a person could take concerning , let's say, taking Ritalin or Cymbalta just by themselves to begin with and then if they decide to take one of those, then they could make a determination as to if they would want to combine them.
You see, there are other people looking at these threads that are not members here. And I would like my point of view to be posted along with other's points of views so that those reading outside the membership here could also know of aspects of these drugs, for some of those readers are in the stage where they have not taken the drug in question yet , or have taken the drug and are doubtful as to if they are to continue taking the drug or not or wanting to decide if they want their children to take the drug. My posts, I think could be educational to those people and that is a mission of this forum.
As to these drugs being chemicals, a chemist generally synthesizes psychotropic drugs. The ancient people that used mind-altering drugs generally used plants and insects and spiders and fungi and ergots and such to produce mind-altering states. Today, the chemical nature of those plants and such can be synthesized.
Now these chemicals react with the brain and nerves and the results can be known now since these psychotropic drugs have been used for many years now. There is new research results being published more and more. The jury is in in a lot of cases. And there is a verdict of the facts. These facts I will post here to save lives. I think that both sides can coexist in a thread concerning the use of a drug or the combination of drugs.
Now I do not generally post the infomation. What I do is post where the infomation can be found by bringing up google and the typing in some words for those interested to veiw ther video. Those people that do do that, do it on their own. If they do do that, they could or could not find interest. I do not know in advance if they do do that.
poster:Lou Pilder