Posted by neo on November 6, 2009, at 10:52:35
Hi to every! and excuse my bad English too.
Rarely on this board, Amisulpride is treated, I think it's cause the drug is not approved for US market, but i'm not sure and i could wrong.
Anyway, in UE is used a lot, so i try to share my personal experience, because at the end it's a positive experience.
For a distymic desease (aphaty, anergie, lack on motivation and low mood) i was on Every drug on the market. The results were "nothing" or more frequently a worsening of my situation.
Only Amisulpride gave me from the beginning the feeling that "something is happening": More energized but calm, lifting of the mood, desire of "doing" a lot of things, to contact people, to speak and less troubles in my mind. The sensation i had is that the "problems" become "chances".
From the bad side, i noticed that if i took Amis every day, from the third day the effect reduced greatly and a sort of somnolence or brain fog appeared.
So i discovered that taking it every other day (day-in/day-out) the right effect appeared again, but unfortunely it not lasts for all the 48 hours.
I was not able to find out a schedule working better: taking every 36 hours will reproduce the same bad (i call them "neuroleptic") effects.
I used different dosage from 10 to 200 mg, but the diffence was not so great, and at the end found out that 25 mg is for me the best dosage.
Anyway, amisulpride helped me a lot, even if the effect never lasts continuously!
Never reported very significant side effects: a slight increase of appetite, a litte more difficulty to sleep, and, strange, a mild lift of sexual desire and efficency (so i suppose that my Prolctine is still normal) and other less importantant sides.
This is in few words my experience (and surely I forgot a lot..) but if someone is interested to know something else or have to share own experience, please do it!
Thank you very much for your attention!