Posted by bleauberry on October 11, 2009, at 19:47:32
In reply to Re: cfs virus identified » bleauberry, posted by metafunj on October 11, 2009, at 12:44:31
> How can you find out if you have infections like these and what can you do to treat it?
> There needs to be a way to verify you have these problems and not just be hypochondriac about it and taking herbs and things you believe might help.
>Excellent questions.
Hypochondriac? Not! Since when is trying to figure out what is wrong make someone a friek? It is more often the doctor's who are the frieks by not accepting there is more to science and medicine than they learned in their textbooks.
A handful of herbs are extremely potent antimicrobials. Some are specific for bacteria, some for fungi, and some broad spectrum for everything including viruses. The worst cases of Hepatitis virus, chronic late stage Lyme, Babesia, Syphilis, Malaria, and Leprosy can be cured with amazingly high cure rates ranging from 50% to 100%. Along with them go the myriad of other organisms you've probably never heard of but as just as destructive. I have the statistics on the clinical hospital studies that did these if you want them.
If you are infected with something, you don't automatically start getting better when you starting taking something that kills them. In fact, you will get a lot worse. That is called a Herxheimer reaction...the immune system overloaded with debris, toxins, and corpses.
The Herxheimer is the diagnosis. It confirms a suspicion or a hunch. Lab tests are either nonexistent or nonreliable. There is no way you could afford to test for every possibility even if the tests existed. Even if they did, false negatives would likely still be a major problem. You may never know exactly which of maybe 100 different infections you had, and it doesn't matter. All that matters is that your symptoms go away.
That's why it is important to challenge with a broad spectrum potent substance that is safe, non-toxic, suitable for longterm use, has a history of several hundred years, has been clinically tested by modern science, and has not developed microbial resistance in hundreds of years. A few herbs fit that description.
These things unfortunately fell out of favor when big pharm came on the scene. The goal then became profit, science, and politics. Nobody can make a multimillion dollar corporation selling plants. Syphilis and malaria and leprosy were cured hundreds of years ago without meds and still are today. Antibiotic resistant Lyme patients are cured with these same herbs.
So you asked how to verify it. Easy. Take one or two of these specific herbs or combos, see what happens. For someone not infected, these herbs are no more potent than food and have no side effects. For someone infected, they will feel like a nuclear bomb. Diagnosis made. It doesn't matter what the organism is. You already found the agent to deal with it. As a side benefit, that same agent is going to wipe out dozens of other possibilities as well. You'll never know which one...but likely more than one...were plaguing your health and mind.
And when you're feeling better, does it really matter? Herxheimer is your lab test.