Posted by G-man885858 on January 31, 2009, at 0:22:56
I've been suffering from suicidal depression, and severe inability to sleep from January 2006. I withdrew off Lexapro in September 2005, and I'm sure that this all started as a result of my 4.5 years on antidepressants (starting in 2001). I've been psychiatrically hospitalized about 6 times since January 06, and of course these doctors cannot offer anything besides their poisonous drugs that make me even sicker and more suicidal!
The worst part is that my body has become severely intolerant of virtually every drug (not just psych drugs, all drugs in general). So I have this suicidal depression and severe insomnia, and at the same time nothing can relieve it AT ALL. I do take Seroquel 300, Ambien 10mg, and Klonopin 1mg, but they barely work.
Is it possible that my body is so allergic/intolerant to all these drugs because of Adrenal Exhaustion? Is that a possibility? I definitely match all the symptoms of "cortisol deficiency". Can this be the answer to my misery?
Please help.