Posted by Vincent_QC on December 14, 2008, at 23:29:32
In reply to Re: Nardil + Insomnia » Vincent_QC, posted by JadeKelly on December 14, 2008, at 13:13:55
> Hi Vincent,
> I don't think you lack sense of humor! And I like the way you write. I took three years of French at school and can't speak it at all. Its hard to learn two languages! Anyway, d/r is a great guy and was just teasing you, I always tease him about being a man of few words, haha. So write as much as you please. I would think this is the easiest place to talk for people with SP. There are a lot of people on this board that have SP, I geuss its pretty common. Have a good day!
> ~Jade
>Hi Jade ;-) Well thanks for the answer...and thanks for the infos about d/r...I was not aware of
French is more hard to learn than english, well I think...I still do a lot of mistakes in french and it's my mother tongue!!! lol So don't worry about the fact that you can't speak french, even if you take some courses... ;-) We had english courses at school, I stay with only english speaking guys for 3 years, and my english never improve at all. I can say that I speak a strange english...I blend it often with french words!!! lol I think the fact that I have SP don't help me to improve my english speaking, since i'm shy and I know I don't have a good sounding english accent, so i'm more shy to talk to someone in english...well I hope you understand what I mean... And the pills don't help on the memory...I have a lot of difficulties with my short term memory, but I can remember anything from 25-30 years ago...Another mystery of life
So a lot of people have SP here?...OMG, I always think that I was alone in the world to feel like this! lol I'm just kidding... Sadly, it's one of the harder disease to cure, especially about finding the "magic" pill to help reduce the symptoms...All the SSRI's drugs, all the SRNI's, all the TCA's...all the anticonvulsives and antipsychotics drugs don't seem to help a lot. And I don't talk about the benzos drugs...they seem to work only for a couple of months (on me of course), after they leave you with a high dependancy problems and with terrible withdrawl symptoms and a lot of cognitives problems.
Some people can find a little bit of relief of their symptoms with all these kind of new pills, but that's always just the relief of co-morbidities not the SP itself...I had some relief of my agoraphobia and the panic attacks on some of these new drugs...but I never find a pill to help me with the SP directly, yeah, having less panic attacks is somewhat reassuring...but always have that crazy feelings I always feel when i'm going somewhere alone is very difficult to handle. That's hard to find something who will bring you back on the track and put you in the middle of a social situation without trying to escape from that social situation... Anyway's...
You're right, that's help a lot to be able to talk with others people with the same problems, I feel that i'm more understand...a lot more than with my psychologist, they always ask 100000 questions about everything, but they are never sure if you have really SP, agoraphobia, avoidance personnality and things like that. They leave you in a more anxious situation because you never know if they will discover a new problem... CTB is ok, I think CTB + pill can give a more good result and a more ressistant treatment in a long-term view, but that's not easy, since SP is a mental health disease, like schizophrenia, it's seem to become from a genetic problem more than from the way a person thinks...I don't know if you follow me...Well I hope...
Well, it's time for the bed...I will sleep again a LONG 3 hours in a row...That's what I call a good night of sleep ! hahaha I will feel fresh and rest like usual!!! lol
Take care of you and don't be shy to write to me ;-)
Thanks again!
Vincent ;-)