Posted by okydoky on May 20, 2008, at 14:26:41
The Amineptine I took in Feb. for a week was working. In April I had no response to it at all. I wondered if taking the Lyrica I took between the two trials could have caused the Amineptine not to work taken so soon after the Lyrica which causes depression for me?
I tried Lamictal for a time but started a rash and was afraid. Interested in Neuroplasticity of Tianeptine, Selegiline and perhaps others. I started Tianeptine again and stopped Amineptine for a time to see both if I could tolerate taking Tianeptine and how it was alone.Was advised to try Abilify but after reading about taking it with Selegiline and Selegiline having neuroprotective factors I tried Tianeptine because I had it.
Tianeptine with Amineptine? What are you thoughts?Thanks,