Posted by Justagal on February 7, 2008, at 15:28:45
Currently on 20 mg of Adderall (past year) 150 mg Lamictal (really want out of this one) and Prozac (20 mg start 1 mo ago)
MHO - I have cyclical depression and absolutely no bipolar symptoms.... other than deep dark depression cyclically (about 4Xs/yr) I am extremely disppointed in Lamictal - I felt rage...leading Dr to prescribe klonopin in addition. I am not an angry person, so I directly related this to Lamictal and want out.
The prozac...not working yet. I can be a very happy and positive person. Now, i seem to feel low. Not desperately low, but low, nonetheless. Also, the adderall is not really working for focus. I think I have just gotten too used to it. Very helpful for a while, then DR upped it to another 10mg in afternoon. Still not as great as it was the first 6/8 months. DR recommends looking into COncerta Focalin or Ritalin. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am at a normal BMI, do NOT have an eating disorder, but the adderall helped me with my bing-y impulsive eating, shopping, etc etc behavior. I would like to see the appetite supression/compulsive eating to be traeed with whatever drug we switch to. Suggestions from DOC were: Focalin XR , concerta and if absolutelu needed Riatlin (doc didnt want me to go this route. I also would like cost implications. I have insurance but would like generic alternatives. THANK YOU!!!! Sorry so lengthy.