Posted by stargazer2 on December 5, 2007, at 21:56:03
In reply to Lexapro and Effexor, posted by nihocl on December 3, 2007, at 15:08:31
What are your current symptoms? If you need more energy, you may discuss wellbutrin with your doc or a stimulant. They can both be given safely with Lexapro. I took Celexa (similar to Lexapro) first with wellbutrin and adderall and had a good response. Personally I think it was the Wellbutrin and adderall that did more to help me than the Celexa.
I wouldn't take Lexapro and Effexor together. Ask your doc what he knows about serotonin syndrome since you have heard this can occur when 2 meds with similar effects on serotonin are combined. He should know this and comment on it immediately in response to this question.
Take a list of questions to ask him at your next appt. Start doing this and question anything you are not comfortable even if it means taking a few days to read more about his suggestions.
Over time this gets easier and becomes a nice exchange to discuss options and next steps. My doc may have a suggestion or two but I might have found something else I want to try first. I was a compliant patient for a long time but it wasn't until I started taking an active part in my treatment that things changed for the better. You need to feel involved with any decisions made on your behalf.