Posted by JerryPharmStudent on May 30, 2007, at 4:47:54
In reply to Re: Jerry, can you check in and let us know you're OK?, posted by stargazer2 on May 25, 2007, at 4:43:03
I'm applying for food stamps and some public aid - however, since I am not legally deemed DSIABLED - althought my medical history more than proves - I most likely will not get a medical card or finacial assistance. I also received a letter saying that I'm going to have to start to pay back my student loans since I dropped out of school (because of my depression).
It's not fair!!!!!! If I had a neck brace on, 3 casts, diebetes, cancer or anything I'd be SEEN visually as disabled and there'd be no question. But since it's a mood illness I have to do a song & dance to try to get them to belive me.
Fortunately I have an apt. to see an attorney about filing for SSI in a couple weeks. But who knows how long it will take - or if I'll even WIN my disability status.I've gone through bankruptcy once and if I have to go through it again I'll be ruined forever.
Why do public aid case workers always look at you as if you're lying to them!?! It's as if I am guilty before proven innocent.
I"m really trying to get through this...but all the financial probblems, all my expenses, - it's almost not worth it to live. How can someone live like this?
I CANNOT hold down a job right now. I cannot go back to school yet - I am UNABLE TO - I am DISABLED. I need help. I've been on every medication for depression - every treatment - ECT, of-label, VNS implant, therapy - for 15's not fair!! My life is gone - most of my friends are gone - and my family is fed up. My brothers just told me to "get ou of yor rut!"
If Public Aid denies me tomorrow I don't know where I'll turn........there is no where to turn. Where can I get $60,000 to pay off my student loans? Will I be put in jal if I cant pay them? I have no income.? I'm so scattered...up against a brick wall and the grass doesn't look any greener on the other side.
thanks everyone for your support - it's all I have right now...seriously.