Posted by d0pamine on May 5, 2007, at 22:21:15
Yes, it was like night and day. I went from wanting to do nothing but sleep and/or die to doing everything. In fact I think I hurt my back today around hour 5 of digging a new ditch beside the road to the lower field. Yes night and day. There is a price associated with it though. I've really had to learn to control my temper as EMSAM likely increases it several fold. I can only sleep about 4.5 hours / day and I have multiples (if you know what I mean) (I'm male btw). I take nothing else. I know I'll catch a lot of fire for saying this, but I think if you have to take multiple meds for any single problem, you're likely on the wrong Rx. Then I realize some deal with more than one issue, where as my problem was primarily just extreme anhedonia.