Posted by Reggie BoStar on January 15, 2007, at 20:16:37
In reply to Prozac + wellbutrin, posted by alohashirt on January 14, 2007, at 23:25:26
I take Wellbutrin with Cymbalta and Neurontin. The Neurontin is there to lower the seizure risk from the Wellbutrin. The Cymbalta is there as an adjunct antidepressant.Cymbalta is similar to Prozac in its effect on Serotonin levels. The difference is that Cymbalta also affects noradrenaline levels.
So, the part of Cymbalta that works on serotonin levels, when combined with Wellbutrin, works the same way Prozac would in that combination.
I can't be too specific here because everything is so subjective with depression. All I can tell you is that together, these three meds work a lot better than Cymbalta alone. In addition, Wellbutrin is "motivating" for some people in that it counteracts the sedative effects of SSRIs and SNRIs.
It doesn't work for me that way, unfortunately. I still feel sedated most of the time. But that's just me.
Anyway, that's my experience with those meds. Hope the info is of some use to you.
Good luck and best wishes,
Reggie BoStar
poster:Reggie BoStar