Posted by willyee on January 10, 2007, at 7:32:09
My posts described that i used GolShield brand parnate.
I seemed to strike a cord,in many ways with this,probuably because people now see there are about 3 brands,the main U.S glaxco smith brand,the U.S generic brand,and Goldshiled.
First let me state what i know.Please feel free to add to this if u are outside the U.S
--- Glaxco Smith brand,well same as usual,red rose colored,silky with what I BELIEVE is the name of the company,although i am sure there is some sort of imprint on it.Resemble M&M`S fairly thick.--- U.S Based generic,still fairly thick,no imprinting,not silky,resembles the current nardil tabs,however the generic parnate do seem to be built well and hold togther.
--- GloLD Shield slighty small,comes in a small canister like case,small is underused,i mean tiny,cute even,top pops off.Effective,imprinting on the tab,tabs do seem to at times break apart so they do need care in handling,otherwise fine.
All of the above work,the last i believed might have worked better,more stimulative but never had the chance to totaly isolate it.*********Now heres the bomb shell **********
The last known parnate i seen says it is from goldshield,HOWEVER unlike any of the U.S based ones,OR THE MENTIONED GOLDSHIELD above,this one differed.
FIRST in came in a box,within blistered packs.SECOND it had no imprinting on the tab,none.
THIRD Thin,i mean thin,thin as a button on a shirt.
FOURTH in my case made me very sick,interacted with almost everything i normaly take with my usual parnate,i.e klonopin,nuerontion,etc.
It did this in a major way.In addition it did not help.
So im left to wonder if this last brand i had,which i also waited a long time for,was some sort of,well i dont even know.
I hope this makes sense,if allowed id be more tan happy to take a photo of the tabs and its packing and link it,but i dont know if thats allowed.Please let me know.
*****FINAL NOTES ************
I did provide companies with my docters presription information.Also as far as i know,regardless,parnate still comes in 10 mg only tabs,and when countless docters prescribe it at 20 it does scare me a little.
Anyway hope this made sense,the reasoning for going outside the normal brand was a mixture of insurance,pharmacy problems,and curisioty.