Posted by sparkles on August 25, 2006, at 22:21:01
I tried lyrica for four months given to me for migraines. It had terrible side effects! It gave me worse migraines, fainting and stopping breathing, weight gain (40 lbs. in 2 months), and I was even rushed to the hospital for an effect that mimicked a stroke. I asked to be taken off of it. I was on 400 mg a day. I was supposed to cut down 50 mg every three days. I went thru terrible withdrawls. I also take xanax for panic and anxiety disorder, 3mg a day. I was so nauseous for months after being off the lyrica my psychiatrist added another mg of xanax a day. That did not help. I couldn't leave the house. Then the doctor put me on perphenazjne. It is not addictive and it can be taken every 8 hours. You can take 2-4 mg per dose. I have since cut my xanax dose in half and only take the perphenazine 1-2 times a day. I strongly urge people to stay away from lyrica