Posted by willyee on June 3, 2006, at 14:12:07
Hey scott,hope i got ur name right,i keep hearing u mention how u used parnate/desimprimine
with success.A few quick questions....Are you still on this combo?
On a scale of one to 10,what number would u give it as far as its value in the combo,meaning if u stopped it.
Last isnt it a metablite of imiprimine?I used a tca Amtriptypline with no problem on parnate,HOWEVER i once long ago used imiprine and it was a horrable exper,i had one of those negative highs.It took long to fade too.I also see imiprimine as the few tca`s that are actualy mentioned NOT to be used togther.
So is it different,im quite curious.