Posted by blueberry on December 4, 2005, at 15:23:37
My symptoms are apathetic anhedonic depression. Antidepressants keep me an inch above the suicidal range or make me worse. I respond real well to dopamine enhancers, but alas, only for a very short time. Ritalin, adderall, the little bit of dopamine reuptake in zoloft, cymbalta, or wellbutrin, only provides benefits for a couple days before tolerance sets in. Same with amisulpride. Probably the most effective might be ritalin or adderall, but I know where that road leads...tolerance, increased doses, increased side effects, eventual ineffectiveness.
So I'm wondering...amantadine, pramipexole, bromocriptine. If..and I understand that is a big if...a dopamine agonist works for someone, would it keep working for a long time? Or would it poop out quickly like other dopamine meds?
Any thoughts?