Posted by Gee on December 2, 2005, at 18:06:03
I've been on 225 mg of Effexor for about a year now. Since about last March or so, I've been noticing I've been getting these really weird brain zap, dizziness type things. My doctor can't figure it out. She gave me some med to take to stop it, but after awhile it stopped working. I found that an NTI device for teeth clenching worked for a while, but not anymore.
It's not super bad anymore, but has anyone else experience this? It's so weird. Like dizziness and then a super fast shooting type thing into my hand and it goes tingly. Any my short term memory is gone. Absolutely gone. I'll study and study and study for tests, but get into them and not be able to recall the right words. Or I'll go grocery shopping for a few things and not remmeber what I'm there for.
Any one else find this? Anything help it? I'm getting desperate here!!!!!