Posted by Willyee on January 28, 2005, at 23:54:14
In reply to Re: Are any of these new GABA meds effective?, posted by sabre on January 28, 2005, at 21:18:11
> I've read a few references to GHB, Outsider, but where do you get it? Can you get a prescription for it or do have to hang around dark alleys at midnight?
> sabre
First i wanna say i did not intend to discourage the use of them,i see i inverntaly did.Remeber people here just post their own experieances,and if these meds taught us anything its that no one med works the same for everyone,i know when i feel something may be beneificial i usualy will try it regardless,ill just appreciate all info good and bad.Second gaba agents are not useless,i personaly find used alone they are no good for my depression or anxiety,and just hieghten them all.But they are excellent in conjunction with my anti-depressant which is parnate.Parnate lifts depression but for me doesent give me a social kick,it kinda allows me to be isolated but be content with it,im able to spend my time alone and the depression stays at bay (when of course it works).I in fact use gaba agents,this goes well with my AD,it gives it the social effect im missing,which pushes me to want to interact more socialy.There might be some who find them alone to be benificial,i only specifiacly mentioned Nuerontion because that is under scrutiny for sucideal ideation,so it might make sense to simply ask for gabaitril if one is seeking,i thinks aside from benzos its prob the most effective gaba med.
As for ghb,lol im a long term user,used to be very active on the group,and think its absurd to ban a med and label it as posion then turn around and script it with tight limits and sky rocket high profit margins.
I have never become addicted to it,but it was once touted as totaly safe because its "natural" and this for a fact isnt true,there are real horror stories on addiction.
I dident mean to imply the risks outweigh the benifits,i neglected to mention its pretty much obsolete,so i dont want to get stuck on a substance i cant get,you now have people who once saftly used it,and relied on it,in bad shape,even resorting to ingesting various cleaning agents from local stores just because it lists some unkown trace amount of ghbs precursor among a ton of toxins.This is not good.
GHB is available now in prescription form,for narcolepsy,and is one of the most tightly scheldued watched meds.A docter will be put through hell to prescribe,and i believe only a nuerologist can,for its intended use only,i dont believe off lableing is even a consideration.
The drug is dispendsed from a single local pharmacy,a video tape is reqquired to be viewed,etc etc,its not a med you could stroll down to walgreens and pick up with a script.
Oh i forgot to mention when it was totaly legal,the cost was approx a doller a gram,now in script form off the top of my head its around 300-400 for a small amount,i dont have the figures but its very expensive,and i know first hand the chemicals invovled to make it are dirt cheap,thats the FDA for ya!
When ghb first became illegal,it was still possable over the internet to obtain fairly quality supply for cheap,once however the med made its debut,their was a huge sweer labled "operation webslinger" unknowingly suppliers were all gathered up,as well as long term customers,and now the situation is a different story.The average person will more than likly find it impossable to obtain,i discourage ordering it from anyone who claims to have it,ghb users are being scammed out of money,sent who knows what,and infertrated by police,and all this makes it not worth it.
There are long term veterans who have a supplier or so,other than them the average joe will not obtain it,it is illegal in every country.
You can try to obtain it in script form,its under the name xyrem.When i used it frequently it did provide tremondous relief,now knowing i can not obtain any more,i use it sparingly in more of a recreational sense,such as it makes a sexual experieance mind blowing,tenseness,and insecurties are oblivated,its especialy great for woman who seem to have most trouble relaxing and being aggressive,i.e not wanting to have the lights on,or leaving partial clothing on,more than likly any woman using it will shed all garments lol.Oh and it intensifies erection for men,and orgasms for woman like ten fold.
The nieve public ate up the whole date rape drug without ever even asking what it is.Alcholol alone is the biggest date rape drug,any sedative added to that is basicaly a mickey,and the handful of ghb incididents were enough to demorlaize ghb simply by name.
GHB is gamma hydroxy butytric acid,it basicaly has a hydroxide,commonly sodium added to gaba to get it across the blood brain barrier.It was discovered it actualy already exists in the body,so albiet a drug,it is still a natural occuring substance.Of all drugs this one is the one i have researched most,their are tons of information out their,their is good and bad,any site that promotes pure negative or postive sides of the coin,and no other,is propaganda,its a unique,complex fantastic substance.
Kava kava was also attacked by the fda,and the nieve public bought the liver problems in a sec,95 percent of manufacuters pulled it,and by the time the claim was retracted,which it was (results came back stating no evidence at all suggests kava is linked to liver damage)the public scare was already in effect,and now there are only extremly crappy brands left on the market,i used to have tons of choices of brands,i loved it,they are all discontinued.
The fda required bright red warning labels go on the top of the bottles,great scare tactic.Well on the remaining brands those warnings are gone,unfortuantly so are all of the paying customers and all of the good brands hence of.
I dont wanna be re directed,but on alternative babble their should be info on Taurine,which is another great mild sedative that can saftly be added to almost any med.