Posted by jujube on November 29, 2004, at 22:31:37
In reply to so sad , I can´t work , I need more medicines, posted by Tepiaca on November 29, 2004, at 21:47:32
Is today the first day of the second week that you started this job? If it is, then I would suggest that you be patient with yourself. You are in the process of learning a new job and adapting to a new environment and new people. You are on what is commonly known as your "learning curve", and given the nature of your job, I don't think anyone would expect you to be super productive after only one week. You obviously have the knowledge and ability to do a good job, and you should try to keep reminding yourself of that. I know from my own experience how traumatic starting a new job can be. The the feelings of intimidation and fear can be overwhelming in the first few weeks. But I can assure you, from my own personal experience, that it does get better. Although I would never have been considered the social butterfly of the office when I started a new job, I did manage to open up a bit with people as I got to know them and became more comfortable and confident with my role and my coworkers. I, too, felt that I could not interact with the people in the office. However, even though it was hard, I always managed a smile and a friendly "hello", and, with time, conversations and interacting just followed and were not as frightening. It's not easy being the "new" person, but I think a lot of people recognize this and try to be welcoming without being overbearing or intimidating.
As for the CBT, I does not sound like you have a very good therapist, and, if possible, you should try to find another one. You also may want to invest in a book called "The Feeling Good Handbook" by David Burns. It is basically a home study CBT self-help book. It is supposed to be very good.
And, give yourself time to adjust to your new environment and your new job, and try not to worry or be too hard on yourself. Be patient and try to give yourself some positive affirmations each day (e.g., I am capable of doing this job; I am intelligent and creative and have much to offer, etc.). You can do this, you just have to believe in yourself.
Take care.
> I entered to a job as an engenieer . I have no experience , this is my first time I have work on my life .
> I feel so sad how unproductive I am . I just suffer more and more . I can´t interact with people . I´m so afraid of them ,and more of the bosses . I try to hide from problems , and I dont face them . This morning I went to a meeting , I felt so observed and critized for being the new guy . At the end I was supossed to talk about some new problems and how to fix them rigth away , I couldn´t join the group . It was like I felt rejected by all . I was so scared ,so I leave ad went to the bathroom . Suicide is my mind , I can´t work . I did not born to have middle jobs I always wanted to be something important in a company , to be the best
> and I can´t even make a regular easy job. I hate this life
> Im adding 25mg Seroquel to Nardil 45+klono .5mg
> "The best CBT doctor" in the region is a scumbag . He does not know anything about CBT . I left his consultory room worse than when I enter. BE objective is all he can said , what kind of CBT is that? . Im not lying he only has told me that .And he is from harvad . He ask me what medicine I should take with Nardil because he does not have experience on MAOIS . basically Im precribing my own meds. Im screwed