Posted by Tepiaca on November 29, 2004, at 21:47:32
I entered to a job as an engenieer . I have no experience , this is my first time I have work on my life .
I feel so sad how unproductive I am . I just suffer more and more . I can´t interact with people . I´m so afraid of them ,and more of the bosses . I try to hide from problems , and I dont face them . This morning I went to a meeting , I felt so observed and critized for being the new guy . At the end I was supossed to talk about some new problems and how to fix them rigth away , I couldn´t join the group . It was like I felt rejected by all . I was so scared ,so I leave ad went to the bathroom . Suicide is my mind , I can´t work . I did not born to have middle jobs I always wanted to be something important in a company , to be the best
and I can´t even make a regular easy job. I hate this lifeIm adding 25mg Seroquel to Nardil 45+klono .5mg
"The best CBT doctor" in the region is a scumbag . He does not know anything about CBT . I left his consultory room worse than when I enter. BE objective is all he can said , what kind of CBT is that? . Im not lying he only has told me that .And he is from harvad . He ask me what medicine I should take with Nardil because he does not have experience on MAOIS . basically Im precribing my own meds. Im screwed