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Re: My Nardil food reaction

Posted by King Vultan on May 19, 2004, at 11:57:57

In reply to My Nardil food reaction, posted by Teknohead on May 19, 2004, at 9:29:54

Liver is not necessarily on the lists of prohibited foods but can develop shockingly high levels of tyramine (the bad stuff for people on MAOIs) if it is not fresh. In

in Table 5, they show how the level of tyramine skyrockets in chicken liver that is five days old. I really think liver products are best avoided for people on MAOIs, but that is from someone who really does not like liver to begin with (I do like braunschweiger, but this is a bad food for people on MAOIs to be taking, so I have dropped it).

You might want to refer your doctor to the subsection on Hypertensive Crisis Management near the end of the Cardiovacular/Blood Pressure section. I think he is doing you a serious disservice not prescribing an emergency hypertensive such as nifedipine that you can carry with you for instances such as what you described. There was another anecdote this year from an MAOI patient who also had a frightening hypertensive experience (from unthinkingly taking some ephedra) and went to an emergency room where the people did not realize what was going on, and he received care that was similarly shoddy to what you experienced. You never know when you might eat some bad or spoiled food--I carry a couple of 10 mg nifedipine pills everywhere I go.





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