Posted by niche on May 7, 2004, at 0:27:51
In reply to Re: Celexa and Ecstasy(MDMA) » niche, posted by chemist on May 6, 2004, at 23:32:43
> > > > OK chemist, I have more bad news. You might be able to help with what my psychiatrist is not sure about. I was put on an antidepressant called "Deanxit" in my country 9 years ago. I took it on and off since then. When I came to the USA, I checked with a couple of psychiatrists. No one had heard of it or knew about it. There's very little literature about it in English. I took it anyway cause it worked for me. I just discovered that it acts as an MAO inhibitor after frantically trying to research the company that makes it "Lundbeck". No where on the med does it say that is is an MAOI, neither do they warn about it. I had no clue!! I was taking it for 2 years while doing substantial amounts of E. I finally stopped it a year ago after developing a debilitating chest pain and stayed off E for a few months. I substituted with 5HTP for a while.
> > > > Obviously I'm not dead but could the combo have caused irreversible damage? I need to understand my condition to help myself. No one seems to know. I met with a psychiatrist who was in a big hurry. She prescribed Celexa and told me to go back to see her in 15 days.
> > > > Can you give me some information or direction???
> > > > THANK YOU!!
> > >
> > > deanxit is a mixture of melitracen and flupenthixol. my brief scan on pubmed indicates that melitracem is a tricyclic antidepressant, and flupenthixol is an (almost atypical) antipsychotic. there are 3 cititions that mention MAO activity for flupenthixol: one concludes that the drug slowly inhibited MAO over the course of a month; in the second, it states that the drug primarily acts on a specific dopamine receptor (no mention of it being an MAO); and the third points to it as a potent dopamine reuptake inhibitor, and that it increased the rate of production of dopamine with a 2 to 4-fold increase over the control (the mechanism implicates MAO), suggesting that it is indeed involved with MAO. i found no results for melnitracen and MAO. in any event, i don't know how much of each drug was in deanxit, hopefully more of the tricyclic. coming beack to my usual close, it is likely that any permanent damage was done by ecstacy use. the fact that you were taking a medication which appears to be weakly involved with MAO doesn't help, nor does the more substantial evidence that it, too, was flooding your synapses with dopamine. i think the real issue is this: taking any psychotropic drug in combination with another is potentially dangerous. taking MDMA is dengerous, whether or not you are on anything else. based on what i know from the literature, it is likely that any long-term reversible or irreversible damage if there is indeed any is the result of using MDMA and the other products that were likely in the drug ecstacy.....all the best, chemist
> >
> >
> > I am so very grateful to you!Thank you much! Thanx for being here and for your prompt followup. You've been very helpul.
> > I'm ready for the journey of nursing my brain to 'as good as it can get':-?
> >
> >
> hey there, sounds like your positive attitude will overcome any *possible* damage from things in your past...we all have our (insert totem of your belief system here) to are proactive, getting educated on your situation, and taking all the right steps toward a speedy recovery! keep us informed, and do not hesitate to address any/all of us.....i wish you well, chemist
:-) thanx
There's nothing better than putting a smile on someone's face. I want to get better so I can go back to doing just that and be there for other people the way you are.
Will keep you posted!