Posted by brussell on December 19, 2003, at 17:55:24
In reply to Re: Klonopin and Paxil--cognitive problems, posted by Siraris on December 19, 2003, at 14:06:42
I'm really, really glad you're going to see a good neurologist. It sounds like your psychiatrist is top-notch, too. I'm sure you will get this problem under control.
I still have a lot of cognitive problems if I work or take classes (though I did finally graduate from a lousy state college). This problem is mostly due to a borderline personality disorder, which causes me to basically lose my marbles when I'm under stress.
Besides chronic depression, I don't really have problems if I work independently on intellectual pastimes like reading philosophy or learning languages. I can take challenging classes when I have my depression under control, am comfortable with the professor and students, and don't feel too much pressure.
I haven't taken Klonopin, but I can only control my anxiety with benzos (or anti-psychotics, which I hate and won't take). I take about 1-3 mg lorazapan during the day depending on my symptoms. Have you tried taking benzodiazapines during the day? I doubt I could have finished college without them. I don't seem to have a problem with withdrawl--when my anxiety remits I just forget to take them. I have never noticed any cognitive problem with lorazapan (once the sedation side-effect wears off).Good Luck