Posted by KimberlyDi on August 29, 2003, at 19:30:38
In reply to I am an alcoholic on Lexapro, I need help please, posted by Panic_attack on August 28, 2003, at 15:50:11
Effexor saved my life from alcohol. For whatever reason, it curbed the anxiety that I always self-medicated with alcohol. THERE is HOPE. Yes, you could die. It's amazing that I'm alive. It took me from age 21 to 34 to hit rock bottom from the drinking. I've been to a few rehab programs. The major difference will be you. Your attitude in there, and what you want to do when you get out. If you can't get into rehab, see a doctor and talk about doing an out-patient rehab. If you can find one that will, don't waste that chance. Take the medication as prescribed, and have someone looking after you the first night. Seizures are possible and if they occur, someone will need to call 911. The doctor called me a hopeless cause back in 1997. (too many out-patient rehabs at home) But I proved him wrong. Be careful, withdrawal from alcohol is lifethreatening. If you have a chance to go into rehab, jump at it. You'll be safe there for a few days. Learn alittle more about your disease. If you have NO resources, contact a local AA group and beg them for help to get sober. Someone will know what to do. Good Luck!
Been there, done that, still living and very happy to be alive... birds still sing, flowers still grow, life goes on and so can you.
KDi in Texas