Posted by KrissyP on March 9, 2003, at 21:25:52
In reply to so sad, posted by jonh kimble on March 9, 2003, at 5:44:42
Hi, May I ask your age? I ask because If you are an adult, and you feel you would benefit from some therapy-go for it. My parents were sort of the same way your parents are as you speak here.
So, you have ADD, GAD, SP, and MD?
Hey, you're working-That is great any job is great-you are working:-)I can't at the moment and am just a senior in college and trying to get my BA. Follow YOUR heart buddy. I know you may feel there are circumstances that inhibit you from doing so, I understand fully.
I am not, at all, "passing you off" here. I've been where you're at.
Are you in counseling at all now? Are you thinking about it? (Despite what your family and friends ssay/feel?) What meds are you on now? I would strongly suggest that-even though you feel it won't work or hasn't in the past. This is YOUR life, my friend, stay strong, be patient, and we are all here for you.
God Bless and keep me posted please,
Kristen===========================================================================================At work my social phobia is so bad. I tried so hard to open up to someone and talked to him for a while, but then I was completely unable to speak. I sat there in total silence and everyone knows im so shy. I feel like everyone is going to pry into me and tear me apart even though they dont. I throw up most days because im so worried, and can hardly eat. I think i have ulcers because my stomach hurts so much all the time. I dont have any friends to talk to and everyone Im close to (all 3 of them) say I need to go to military religious school. I feel so terrible for letting them down, I couldnt finsih high school cause I cant focus. I thought things could be better sometime but it hasnt happened. Five years of hell and now its so much worse. I dont to die but I see no other way out. please help