Posted by vail on February 14, 2003, at 0:51:33
Here is an introduction to myself: I think I have been depressed for the last 2 years. I always brushed it off as nothing much, nothing more than having the blues and I will start feeling better soon…This has been the cycle for the last 2 years…On the good days (which don’t happen very often anyways) , I wake up and I tell myself that there is so much out there and I should go out and make the most of my life….However, most of the time, I just feel so alone…like I’m disconnected from the world, disconnected from my family and friends who are trying hard to get to me…
2 months ago,I began having pretty severe insomnia. I just feel like I’ve turned into stone, I’m numb, nothing seems to affect me. I can’t even cry. I really want to have a good cry and be able to let it all out, but I just can’t. Does anyone feel this way?
The silly thing is that I can cry while watching movies on tv but I cant when it comes to my emotional issues.Then, I finally mustered up the courage to see a therapist and decided to seek help i.e. find out if I have depression or simply having a case of the blues? I spilled my guts out to her…it felt strange telling this total stranger all your most intimate thoughts but I forced myself to. She said it was my decision on whether to go for talk therapy, SSRIs or both and asked me to think about it. About a month passed, I was hesitant to go back as I felt a little better and read up a lot on depression (ie.. How it is over-diagnosed and the risks and effects of taking med…) . I decided to take a healthy approach to living. I started exercising and eating healthy. I did feel ok for a week or so. However, the insomnia still persists and I’m beginning to feel depressed again, almost like there is a cloud over me again. And so I decided to go back to see the therapist again.
I saw the therapist today.She gave me a 2 week sample of Lexapro 10mg. My question now is:…I’m sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but do you think I have depression or can I just snap out of this?
Should I go on Lexapro, do you think I need it? How does it compare with the other Ads I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you.Sincerely,